Empowering Youth for Success

Transforming Lives, Shaping Futures

Truck’s Fitness is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the development and empowerment of at-promise Black youth, primarily targeting ages 12-21, but inclusive of all age groups through various programs. Our mission is to equip these young individuals with essential leadership, personal development, life skills, and job readiness tools, facilitating their successful transition into adulthood.

Leadership Development Programs

Empowering young leaders through mentorship and skill-building initiatives, fostering growth and confidence.

Personal Growth Workshops

Providing a platform for self-discovery and personal development, enabling youth to navigate challenges successfully.

Life Skills Training

Equipping youth with practical life skills, from financial literacy to communication, for a brighter future.

Our Mission

Redefining At-Promise Youth

At Truck’s Fitness, we redefine "at-promise youth," moving away from labels such as “at-risk,” “juveniles,” “troubled,” or “delinquent.” We firmly believe that with the right mentorship, resources, and opportunities, every young individual can achieve their full potential.

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Youth Empowered


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